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Tongue Scrapers For A Squeaky Clean Mouth

by Shiloh Onyx

Simply brushing my teeth and using some floss is not enough, as this does not give me that fresh feel that I want. For a more thorough clean, I find that the use of tongue scrapers really adds to my overall hygiene routine.

I never realized just how much bacteria and debris can accumulate on my tongue – that is until I tried a tongue scraper myself. This compact tool has now become an essential part of my daily dental care routine. These scrapers are perfect if you want the same refreshing feel.

Tongue Scraper by mastermedi

“I was a little unsure what to expect. had never used something like this before, but my girlfriend says my breath stinks and she deserves better than that. I brush and floss, but there is still that “thing…” That stank under the normal mouth breath. Using this has removed that. Not really sure how it works or why that layer of spit and stuff on your tongue has to smell so bad, but this removes it well and also feels kinda nice. Thank you!” — Nick

Tongue Scraper (2 Pack) by basicConcepts

“Scraper isn’t sharp to fingers, but it works well on the tongue. Been using it daily and clear difference visually “before and after” using the scraper.” — Amazon Customer

4PCS Tongue Scrapers

“My breath feels so much better when I clean my tongue with the scraper, especially now that we have to use a face mask for covid.” — Thelma

Orabrush Tongue Cleaner

“OK. I know this is ‘just’ a tongue scraper. And maybe you don’t care for a review of tongue scrapers. But I have to say that this is a special tongue scraper. I found out about it when it faired very well in, of all things, Rhett and Link’s Good Mythical Mourning YouTube show where they compared many tongue scrapers. This was one of their two faves, so I figured I’d give it a try. As soon as I used it for the first time…I felt sad I had used crappy tongue scrapers for all these years! This one is SO much better. Noticeably better. It really gives a good cleaning. It is comfortable. And the combination of the bristles (for a gentle scrub) and the hard front area (for really scraping things clean) is a good one-two punch. Yes, it is “just” a tongue scraper. But if you use a tongue scraper, you owe it to yourself to try this one. I think you’ll like it. I do.” — Cameron B.

Cafhelp 2-Pack Tongue Scraper

“This is exactly what I need it! I was using a plastic scraper and I thought it was doing the job. Now with this stainless steel scraper I feel a difference. Just 4 to 8 scrapes of my tongue and I can feel the difference. My
tongue looks great too! Smooth, silky and pink like a newborn baby pig. And I can smell the difference too! Especially while wearing a mask. I was going to submit an action shot of the scrapper and my tongue but my wife said she would contact an attorney and start divorce proceedings if I did. It’s not like I’ve kissed a so many women that someone would say “that tongue belongs to the guy who was the homecoming king in high school” or “isn’t that the tongue from the guy who played … on Broadway?” But I digress. In conclusion, “no, wait you’re out of order!” this is a welcome addition to my oral healthcare regimen (or is it regime?) Great price, durable, well made reliable- just like your favorite husband.” — Amazon Customer

Guru Nanda Stainless Steel Tongue Scraper

“I have never used a tongue scraper before but after watching a video about all of the benefits I decided why not and let me tell you it is incredible. I never realized how much gunk was on my tongue until I used this. Sorry for the awkward before and after photos but it is amazing what a difference it makes. You can really see everything you are scraping off. I feel so much cleaner when I use this tongue scraper in the morning and I can taste my food better. It’s really easy to clean and looks cute on my counter. Would highly recommend it.” — Terri Schadegg

GUM Dual Action Tongue Cleaner

“My dentist gave me one of these Gum tongue cleaners after I complained about how hard it was to get my tongue feeling clean despite brushing it with a toothbrush. What a difference this tongue cleaner made! I use it every time I brush my teeth. I use a regular toothbrush on my teeth, then scrape this over my tongue a few times. (I prefer the plastic side to the brush side.) My mouth feels clean and fresh and I’m ready to go! Would definitely recommend.” — Connie P.

Copper Tongue Scraper by mastermedi

“Started cleaning my tongue with a spoon and it helped a little bit, but I would badly gag every time.
Ordered this hoping it would be a better experience. What a difference! I was happy with the minimal to no gagging now – HUGE improvement. I was also very happy AND very disgusted with what came off my tongue using this. This device cleans so much better and breath is definitely fresher now. Absolutely recommend and my teens now want one for themselves. Nice to receive a follow up email from the owner, too. Amazon supports small business and we should all do more of that.” — Michael D. Jensen

Wowe Lifestyle Tongue Scraper Cleaner

“I really like this tongue scraper. I was using a copper one but I like this much, much better. This is larger (but not too large) so it’s makes for quicker use. I also don’t have to keep polishing it like I did my copper one. So it’s much easier to maintain. I just rinse with hot water and wipe dry. I also like that there’s two in the pack. I keep one in my toiletry bag so I never forget to have one when I travel. Also, it’s a very good quality and has a good feel to it. I’ve been using this for a few months and still very pleased with it. I can’t think of anything negative about it. By the way, I haven’t been compensated in any way for this review.” — Lee Austin

Tongue Scraper Cleaner by Pureline

“Aside from the obvious ick factor this was my first time using a lounge scraper versus a brush. I have to say that what came out of my mouth despite having used a brush for several months, was grotesque. After a few days I cleared an obvious backlog and now feel cleaner than I did when I first quit smoking 7 years ago. You need this.” — Amazon Customer

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